Best streamer for a returning audio guy

Hello, hope you all can help. My question is what is the most reasonable streamer to try in my system to see if it works for me? 
  A little background is in order . I’m an older gentleman, who was into audio years ago. I’m currently rebuilding my system with newer technology. I have significant older components. Such as Adcom separates, ( not currently using), Yamaha reciever rxa 2000 as a preamp, Rotel amp driving center speaker and rears, crown class d driving main speakers, I have many speaker choices. Currently using Kef 105/2 as mains ( have Martin Logan’s as well) , Martin logan cinema as center, Martin Logan’s a rear surround. All interconnects and speaker wires are morrow audio. 
 I am / was old school with over 1500 vinyl album’s from years of collecting. About 100 cds. One interesting note, this rebirth of my interest in audio came with my wife giving me a turntable for Christmas several years ago. Finally joked it up and after 30 years I was hooked again!!!

  On to my question, it appears that almost everyone is now streaming their music. Ok, I understand the concept ( have Sirius in the car) . What is the best unit to try this out. Can’t break the bank, used is ok, actually preferred. Any outlet advice would be appreciated. 
  I’m working to eventually get to the level of most of you. I have visited my local real hi fi store and have heard the”great” components and eventually I’ll get there. Thanks, and looking forward to your replies. Twodogs112.


Welcome to the hobby!

I like analog - I still have the first album I ever bought.  And I avoided streaming for several years.  And streaming is awesome for many reasons and access and ease of use is certainly high up there on the list of reasons.

I concur with folks recommendations on the Bluesound - beside having solid functionality as a streamer/DAC it has a very user friendly interface access to internet radio, streaming subscriptions and the like.

The challenge I experienced after I appreciated the streaming benefits was the quality of reproduction between analog and digital.  So if you like digital you may be tempted like me to upgrade :)  (And boy upgrades can be fantastic and fantastically expensive :0)

The upgrades have been appreciated and I've noticed a shift in sources as my listening from predominately analog to predominately digital.

Enjoy the journey :)

 Have a Bluesound Node as a streamer and a Cambridge Audio DacMagic 200M as a DAC.  They are complimentary.  I tend to use the CA unit for high res files via a USB A connection from my Mac mini and the Node for streaming. The volume is higher and sound is brighter from the Node than if I connect the Node to the CA unit.   Eventually I will get a unit that does both, but for now I am quite pleased.  Both work well with Roon or Audirvāna. Best of luck to you. 




@cleeda , @arafiq

Thank you very much for your kind words. Absolutely I was not trying to put anyone or anything down. I am still a bit confused on @twodogs112 comments.

I am assuming it came from my comments about changing components. No value judgement involved. It is the combination of components that determine to outcome… it can be in the same price range or yes, higher can also help.


Anyway, you guys are right. I am always trying to be helpful. Thanks for noticing.