What's the heaviest speaker you've ever owned? What's the tallest?

Just wondering.


Tallest and heaviest are stacked QUAD’s (7’ 10" tall frames that I built myself with three sheets of 3/4" MDF glued together), followed by the 6’ tall Magneplanar Tympani T-IVa, which are the widest (each 51", or 4’ 3". They require a wide room ;-). The ESS Transtatics stand only 42" tall (by 20" wide and 15" deep), yet weigh 140 lbs each (they are built into substantial transmission-line enclosures).

Paradigm Studio 20 vs Elac 2.0 B6 V2. Elac are light. Elac are great for dollars, but Paradigm was and is much smoother and refined, And much heavier build. Had Paradigm towers, Studio 60. Way too heavy to move. But nearly stellar.

135 lbs each. Sonus Faber Amati Traditional… these are 46”… I have had slightly taller speakers… but not as great sounding.

The heaviest speakers I owned were 60 lbs each. It’s the Sonus Faber Grand Piano Concerto floorstanders. During that time, I was a young fella and could carry the speaker with ease. Nowadays, I usually consider speakers which I am able to carry alone, unaided. Usually less than 40 lbs standmount speakers.