Two vs four subwoofers for music playback

Hello guys,

I currently have a pair of subwoofers for my 2 channel audio system and I enjoy them very much as they make a big difference in sound quality, mostly on body, presence/ambience and 3D image.

I'm thinking about buying an extra pair of subs to emulate a Swarm bass array and smooth out even more the room bass response and get even better dynamics, 3D and presence.

Has anyone had experienced a similar situation?

Has anyone done it?

Can you share your thoughts here? 

Is it worth the expense and the effort of voicing extra subs? 


According to Earl Geddes, whose ideas the Swarm is based on, the in-room smoothness goes up as the number of independent bass sources goes up.  So four subs intelligently-distributed are theoretically twice as smooth as two (and "smooth bass" = "fast bass" because it is the in-room peaks which take longer to decay into inaudibility).  In practice the measured improvement is typically not quite as good as in theory, but is still significant.

A little bit of frequency response improvement in the bass region goes a long way, and this is because the ear is actually more sensitive to changes in SPL at low frequencies than higher up the spectrum.  If you eyeball a set of equal-loudness curves, you will see that they bunch up in the bass region.  So a 5 dB change in SPL at 40 Hz is subjectively comparable to a 10 dB change in SPL at 1 kHz!  This heightened sensitivity to SPLdifferences at low frequencies is one of the reasons why it often takes a long time and a lot of fine-tuning to "dial in" the ideal gain setting on a subwoofer amp.

Also, it is not necessary that all four subs be identical.  In fact in his own distributed multi-sub system, only one of Earl Geddes' subs extends all the way down. 


Swarm manufacturer

Duke >> Also, it is not necessary that all four subs be identical.  In fact in his own distributed multi-sub system, only one of Earl Geddes' subs extends all the way down.  <<

Thanks for that information, Duke! In my setup, only one of three goes to 15 Hz, and it seems to be enough. Since that was only one example, I hesitate to recommend such an approach to others. But now with Geddes, N = 2, much better!

Hi guys

Thanks for the answers.

I like very much the bass response I get from my current set up and room, but it took some work to get it.

I think that I can try adding just one more sub and experiment with different locations and orientacions before buying a pair.

I also have límited places to place them due to decor, so buying a pair is much riskier.


Adding 4 subs in a distributed bass array was the single biggest improvement in the overall sound of my system. Fixed most of the issues I had previously with small room acoustics and put a big smile on my face.

My cat loves it.


When using four subs, are they used in stereo mode or mono? I've always found 2 stereo subs sound more spacious than 1. 

