Why is used audio equipment so undesirable?

I’ve upgraded many things over the past couple years and quite frankly there is limited interest and not much to be gained by getting rid of unused equipment. My dealer doesn’t want it. And it’s all fairly new stuff within a few years. It’s easier just to box it and store it away and give it to someone if a situation ever arises. Selling it is ridiculous as I’m lucky to get 30 or 40% Plus all the hassle negotiating when selling, so I keep it.

It’s risky buying used audio equipment so there is no interest even for very nice units. So I’ve got nearly half dozen pieces taking up a lot of space all sitting in their original boxes and maybe next time I buy some new speakers I’ll prepare a list and get a few thousand dollars after paying nearly 4 to 5 time more when new.

Would I buy a used preamp or speakers for $15-$20,000? that might be very risky. So I guess I understand why used audio is not that desirable. After buying something used, you may wonder if it would have sounded different if I bought it new? And there in lies the quandry


Much easier buying a used car.



My tastes have always been greater than my budget (new prices anyways).   Like many audiophiles I research gear, check user comments and reviews and try to pick gear that I feel provides the max bang for the buck so to speak and has a good potential for meshing well with my other gear.   Used gear or factory direct is my go to given I do not have deep pockets.  

The Op's assertion is so stupid that I don't believe that it was meant for any reason other than to be provocative. I almost always buy used and have had great success selling used. If you don't do well selling used, it is usually for one of two reasons.  First, the piece is not popular with potential buyers, or second, it's an obscure brand which may be wonderful, but buyers shy away because of potential problems with having it serviced as well as lack of professional and user reviews.

Just a ridiculous thread.


I have been buying used since what I guess I would say is upped my game.  I cannot afford this level of a system without buying used. So far so good. 

There's always market for buying and selling quality used components, do your research and purchase correctly. Without a thriving used market, audiophiles would be far fewer in numbers, leave it to only exclusive membership. And I've never had a single issue that wasn't promptly resolved, and same on my end. I've had more issues purchasing new components from  certain retailers.

I'm going to list my CJ on craigslist and I bet it's gone by the weekend....