Vintage Integrated Amplifiers With Great Sound

Unusual situation is going to require me getting an integrated amplifier. Buying something that will satisfy me in a current range of production is simply going to cost a lot more than I want to spend. 

What vintage integrated amps from, say the 70's-80's-90's can be found at relative bargain prices, but provide really good sound quality? 

Any thoughts or recommendations appreciated. Thanks in advance. 


Vintage made in England Musical Fidelity integrated are great values. I purchased a A220 a few months ago for $650. I upgraded all caps to first tier and it sounds sweet through my KEF speakers. 

Vintage integrated have a problem with digital. You'd need to budget for a DAC and interconnects, and then it's not integrated anymore. It wasn't until Flac came out (2001), and then got mainstream support (lets say about 5 years later), that digital even started getting good, so 2006ish. Prior to that, there really just aren't any good integrated that handle digital. Newer DAC chips are better too. 

If you don't use digital then fine, but digital makes a lot of sources these days, and it's really convenient. Newer integrated amps will just support it better.

For example, a Synthesis Roma 96DC+ is a really strong contender for an integrated tube amp and you can find them used in your price range. Get a network streamer and use the Coaxial SPDIF input and if you already have some sensitive speakers then boom, done. Or the non "+" version if you want phono. Frankly I like Synthesis better than McIntosh.

But that's just like, my opinion man. Try to find a place you can hear some more things. Luxman and Primaluna may be good options too. 

I have several integrateds, different classes, modern and vintage. The one that keeps coming back into the fold is my Sansui AU-999. Built like a tank, beautiful soundscape, warm and detailed, more than enough juice. Phono stage is excellent too.

I'm bumping this thread because I'm currently in this boat myself...have gone down a rabbit hole and am trying to build a 70's system.

First purchase was a Technics SU-7700. Not a ton of power, but think it will work well with some ADS speakers once it's recapped/refurbished.

Just purchased a Rotel RA-1412. Thing that got me interested was fully DC-coupled and it's also a dual-mono design with two transformers. Not sure which speakers but it would work well with the ADS (L910 or L810).

Then I just learned about the Gale 401A speakers and fell in love with the design. Was on some thread where someone who used to work in stereo shops in the 70's said they used to pair those with the Accuphase E202. I live in Tulsa and Paul at Many Moons Audio builds new driver boards for them, but I've heard the preamp section is only okay.

Anywho, wondering if there's anything else I should consider. Any piece of equipment I pick up will be thoroughly gone through by a tech.