My endgame system I think

Good day everyone. I wanted to share what I believe is my endgame 2 channel system and say thank you to all of the members here for all of the advice I’ve gotten and read. It’s a simple system but the forum has  guided me tremendously with my decisions. A special thank you goes out to Duke of audiokinesis  (who I met at Axpona was very gracious with a few questions I had) for recommending Jeff at HDacoustics to design my room that I built while the speakers were being built. I hope to have many years enjoying my new system. Thanks again everyone ! 




Beautiful execution and equipment.  I have one question:  Every surface in the room looks to absorptive, starting with OC "glass" and rock wool sound barrier does the room sound too dead?  Or do the holes in the peg mitigate that aspect and reflect enough back through the OC?

When I built my room I doubled that walls and had the whole thing spray foamed and then rock wool all surfaces.  The room was so dead as to be spooky and actually disconcerting due to no sound clues...walking, talking etc.  Then sheet rocked with Quietrock and Green Glue.  At the moment, the room is like an echo chamber, but no sound gets in or out.  Equipment to be moved in shortly and then acoustic treatments as needed.

Interestingly, my color scheme is an exact match to yours and I even have the same sconces!

I completely get why you have the system firing out of the corner, I have been advised to do this with my system, but it just won't work in my situation.

Best of luck with it.




I am fortunate to have several dealers in Colorado to be able to listen to a variety of systems. I listened to B&W , Sonus Fabre , Magico , Rockport and I am already familiar with Focal as that is what we have in our home theatre in the family room. Amps were McIntosh , Moon , Hegel and Boulder. They all sounded nice really but my final decision was based heavily on opinions here and WBF and the stellar reviews Rockport and Boulder received. 

Now that gives being locked up in a padded room new meaning. You can Lock this audio nut in anytime.

I wonder why you set your speakers at the corner of the room.  I have never seen that done before.  I also wonder why you chose the materials for your walls.  Does this sound anocholic?

Love the Rockports.  They would be my first choice.  


I will give that a try. Thanks ! 


Thank you. I was concerned about the room being too dead as well. It would certainly be considered dead compared to a regular room. Being a small room  My designer wanted to take care of first reflections and the pegboard was also strategically added to the room design. My dealer also thought it was over damped but perhaps this is due to their main room having no absorption. Their room sounds good but is a bit bright for me. I’m going to have him back for a listen now that the speakers are broken in. I haven’t listened to an overdamped room before but I find mine performs amazing. Incredible detail instrument separation. I made sure to ask my designer if the Aviors would work in the room and he said absolutely. I’m hoping to get some local audiophiles with more experienced ears than mine to come have a listen and see what they think.