Schiit Aegir-Burn in Period

I have recently purchased two New Schiit Aegir Amps and running them in a mono balanced set-up. Can anyone with experience advise on an appropriate burn in period for the amps? Or, generally, what is a reasonable period of time to break-in solid state class A amps.


Depends on how you do it, burn in with playing music at your normal listening level will get the internal components settled faster than just let the amp power on at idle. And it is not good for a class A amp power on at idle for long hours.

IME, most solid state power amp settled down less than 100 hours. YMMV.

Thanks for that, I was reading up on another thread and was shocked at the amount of time required for some components during the break in period. I do not run at idle for more than an hour, then I am listening to music, I must be getting close to the 100 hours mark. Bob

My long-gone Odyssey Stratos amp took 500 hours to break in.  My McIntosh amps around 200 hours.

I have broken in many solid state and tube devices. Including Schiit. I would try and avoid drawing any conclusions before 200 hours. My high end Audio Research takes 600 hours to improve to most of it’s potential, but continues subtitly to 1,000 hours. I would consider yours mostly broken in at 200.