Speaker massage ...

Hi there

I don't know how to translate this on english, but new speakers are getting better even more they got played, but how? How do I give them the perfect massage? Do they have to be played loud or on normal sound niveau but for hours? I live in an apartment and can't play loud every day, with respect to the neighbours.

Best regards


I only had one pair of speakers that changed during break-in. It only took 24 hours. Just playing music the drivers will go through a million cycles in a very short time. 

when doing the OOP trick during speaker burn-in, best results [the most cancellation/reduction in volume] are gotten by summing your test signal to mono first, if it is not already mono.

I can also advise just to listen to them and watch them change, I found that quite enjoyable. You’ll enjoy them out of the box, but you’ll notice over time some changes for the better and I think that’s part of the journey. Trying to break them in quickly means you’ll lose the education you’ll get on the development of your speaker, which could be invaluable when identifying what you like/dislike for any future purchases. 

Break in time probably depends on the surround material. Mine took 300-400 hours and the difference in the bass performance was huge. Happy listening