CD Transports: anything in between?

The Jay's CDT Mk2 looks fantastic. Still, I am just not able to hit a $2,500 price point. On the other end, I see CEC TL5s for just over $1,050 but that is a 100 volt deal. So I'd need the step down transformer.

Is there something I should consider in between those two?



Thanks for the suggestions. We have a winner. I will order the Nu Prime CDT9 with that LPS- 212 this weekend (4/17/22).

Now I get to find an interconnect between the Nu Prime and a Doge 7 Mk2 DAC (RCA version). So XLR or SPDIF cable needed. One possibility is the KLEI Qflow3 but I am not sure about spending another $479 for the darn interconnect...


I am overjoyed with my CDT6000. On a recommendation, I bought Pangea Coax Premier XL. which is outstanding value. They probably have cables with connections you need. Check Audio Advisor

