Audiophile Grade Wall Receptacle

Moving homes.  Any recommendation for quality wall receptacle?   Pangea?  Audioquest?





+1 jerryg123

I switched the stock receptacle for that exact same Hubble in the giant pick above. The improvement was palpable enough that I felt no reason to pay any more. I would have to argue that - aside from better overall build design and materials used - the quality of the hold and contact with the plug goes a really long way. The Hubble has all of this in spades.

Although he’s not an audiophile, I found this video pretty sobering/enlightening and have to agree with his findings. Particularly comical to me was his Wikipedia search on the term audiophile (lol!). But he did go deep into product build comparisons which I very much appreciated:




AV Options - Deep-Cryo Hubble Outlet. Red - 15 or 20 amp rating. Crushed Pangea and PS Audio Power Port. I use them in my Naim system. $79.00. 


As I wrote in my blog, if you have any old upstream outlets consider inspecting/replacing them with at least Contractor/Residential outlets.  For those of us not lucky enough to have dedicated outlets, there's a lot that could have been done wrong upstream, so it's a good idea to get into those as well.


Eaton Residential / Commercial outlets are cheap, ~ $4 each.  My house is 17 years old and I found loose as well as back stabbed outlets which had to go, so I just went through them all in the listening room.