Audiophile Grade Wall Receptacle

Moving homes.  Any recommendation for quality wall receptacle?   Pangea?  Audioquest?





Showing 6 responses by audition__audio

Well failed tweeks of other types should have no bearing on how you approach AC outlets. I cant comment on Fukuda-sans take on different plating, but I will say that I have always favored copper on copper. Like metals so on. 

I think that the real advantage of better plating may be in the smoothness and lack of pits in the metal itself which would be accomplished by polishing. The grip of the socket as well and the material with which the socket is made. The influence of vibration and resonance on electrical items is well known.  

I wouldnt expect you to hear a difference as it appears you already know what the results of your test will be. Oh and just replacing your stock outlet with a Hubbell I dont think will give you much of an improvement. Going from a stock outlet to a Furutech, Oyaide or Cruze First might. Now if you hear a difference or not comes down to many things not even remotely related to basics like hearing acuity and predisposition. 

I never said that you werent going to be able to miss the sonic difference and it is this type of sarcasm that gives me pause. ! I dont know anything about your system nor your hearing ability so I cant comment. There is no hard science just a myriad of testimonials from people that claim they can hear a difference. The question to ask yourself is if you cant measure something does this eliminate the possibility that this something could exist? Remember that many on this forum have systems that cost more than a car and approach or exceede the cost of a house. To think that the level of fidelity is the same, regardless of price, is ridiculous. 

And until to try you will never know. Gut feelings count for nothing when having a conversation about sonic differences. If these differences are real or imagined wont be know until an attempt to validate is made. This is the point at which those that experiment and hear a difference often have an advantage over those that guess there is no difference. 

Some of you should check what the defining attribute of a hospital grade receptacle actually is. It has nothing to do with aspects, other perhaps than grip, which would affect the signal.

The point of a quality receptacle is simply an issue of improving all you can from the wall forwards. Not much of a stretch.