How do you arrange the order of your records?

I guess some alphabetically. Some by genre. By quality. Etc.
My preference is keeping them randomly arranged. This way I get a nice variety and I don’t have to choose. And it’s always a nice surprise.

I take them out about ten at a time and place them in a dedicated space between my mono blocks.


My post was removed but what I attempted to say in a somewhat comical way was: My recordings are just thrown in the closet with the top rotation records on the top of the pile. If I have to dig deep, it's 20 minutes minimum. I wish I was better organized but that is just not me. 

Single and double vinyl albums are divided between Classical, and Pop/Rock/Jazz. If I've got a bunch of a composer's records I'll divide those up between symphonies, piano concertos, etc. Then I've got a shelf devoted to Musicals, Soundtracks, MOR & Hi-Fi Test/Demo records which I mostly inherited from my dad. Finally, a shelf of Classical Vinyl Box Sets such as operas & symphonies. The Classical is largely alphabetical by composer but, of course, this is not always possible. The 45s, of course, are lined up in that shoe box. My pitiful collection of ten inch 33's lean against a wall.

Not really focused on selecting any particular record, I wonder how you super organized fellows choose what to listen to. Someone mentioned "rotation".

Are favorites placed in separate places? Are particular ones kept in mind among the organized? Or is it still a matter of flipping through and picking one?

Eg.: "I think I will listen to some Jazz." And then think of an artist? How can one remember titles among 12K??