Montreal Audio Show - anyone hear the FR30’s?

I heard they made a big splash and received applause but wondering if anyone here had the oppty this weekend to hear them ? 


@bruce19 Maybe both are?

Amir is a hypocrite. He claims to be very objective and does lots of measurements but then at the end he has this little subjective blurb where he makes subjective comments like 'Wow wow wow' 'I kept drooling at the sound' (This was his DCA Stealth review). Then he turns around and says Resolve (Andrew, headphone shows).. subjective comments are so 'cringy'.

Don't be a hypocrite Amir. If you want to be the leader of ASR then go all the way... post your measurements and then STFU and walk away. Then I would have some level of respect.

@smodtactical   Possibly.

I can say that I own a PS audio power plant 3 regenerator. It is one of the more expensive pieces I own. I bought it to protect my investment but my  assessment of whether it improved the sound was a close call. Admittedly I was affected by the sales pitch and the belief that such a well established company would carefully and effectively engineer its products. I am shocked that PS Audios response to Amir's data was to deflect and deny rather than role out their own data. I am at a loss of how a responsible company could develop a regenerator without a ton of it's own data showing how and why it works.  FWIW I also purchased a Stellar Strata at the same time I got the Power Plant 3. I found the streamer portion to be a buggy product that should have still been in beta test and it got returned. I also was not impressed by its sound. My Rogue Sphinx and a Topping D50 DAC sounded just as good at half the cost.

@smodtactical Yes, I can understand that some like it to be 100% objective and 0% subjective.


​​​​​​But there is also some that criticize him to be to much objective. And criticize him by "You didn't listen to the product!" As a way to say that his objective data is not valid and don't matter in the practice. 


I think it is little bit to objective to take a product and measure it, pack it up send it back.. Without hooking it up to a stereo system at all (without listening to it) but that is maybe only me. ☺️


So in the end to make those that criticize him for that, then he listens on the test object. To satisfy them.. 


The data is there and it is up to you if you want to listen to his objective conclusion that he can draw from the measurements and listening tests.


Either way he is acting there is always someone that is unhappy and not content.🤔


Personally PS audio has lost most of my trust when for example Paul call Amir names. And are unable to produce a valid response video with proper messurment hardware. (More or less ANY hobbyist can bring out a hand held volt meter as a cheap croudamentary device. As a big company they should have much better measurement devices to be able to measure if the HW they make have any benefits at all for cleaning up noise.)


I would be ashamed to act like Paul and make that response video and response postings. It just shows how far behind they're in technology understanding and maturity in my opinion.


To the subject at hand. FR30.. yes they are not expensive IF you consider PS audio has been "working" on something to get to the market for at least 3 years. They have employed speakers expert Chris and moved to newer and more expensive facilities during that time. They have Paul, CEO and all the other employees. All that piles up in huge expenses and it is expected by me that the price for the HW needs to be high. That is just the way things work with massive overhead costs.


It is not a couple of guys that work their as of in a garage 16h a day.. that is trying to start some business, those days are gone long time ago.


What is the technical advancement in FR30.

In my opinion none.. what do we have for technology:

  • Passive radiators
  • Backfiring tweeter
  • Unusual midrange driver

Nothing new here in high end audio.

I were expecting something technology advancement in high end audio like possible to calibrate adjust the speakers in the specific environment they end up in (it is possible others have done it).


Especially when they were at it for many years.. and not much came out of advancement in the other end.


Yeh passive radiators.. yes it is in a big box. And maybe one of the bigger ones out there. But nothing new.

Backfiring tweeter. With a adjustment for level output. I don't see anything new with that. It is a nice thing to have of course.

The midrange driver and how THAT sounds is what I see as selling point if it to the listeners/customers liking or not.


So my opinion in the end it is a speaker that is larger than average and nothing particular special about them from a technical standpoint. I am always on the hunt for new and better technology solutions that solve problems like bass boom/bloom and so on. At a affordable price. I hoped that PS audio maybe come out with something new that maybe could trickle down later at some point. But that is something that the FR30 are not, they are just another box with drivers in my opinion (same same but just different form factor as any speakers are).

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It's audio speakers, not rocket science.  There are almost never massive technology leaps.  It isn't a fast moving technology space, to say the least.  Pretty unrealistic expectation if that is what your bar is.