High Fidelity Cable replaces NPS 1260

The product is going to be called NPS Q45T. Not out yet, but on their Facebook page.


Has anyone ever tried mixing nanodiamonds in Stabilant 22? Pretty easy to make I imagine. Try googling Dinnovare, Daicel corporation Japan.

Tom - From the Daicel website

"Insulators such as plastics and rubber could be turned into electrical conductors by dispersing nanodiamonds into them. (Tunnel effect)"

If you read the website you’ll notice that each nanodiamond has an exterior coating of amorphous carbon (with unique electrical properties).

@whostolethebatmobile - do you want me to put a megger on it and verify?

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Rick - I don’t have samples of nanodiamond or Stabilant 22. I was wondering if anyone else had tried it. I think there’s huge but unconfirmed potential.

ps - I am currently negotiating with a supplier for some sample quantities of various nanodiamond varieties. Purely for my own interest.