Something about " reclock " & "dejitter ", which I couldn't comprehend...

Hi y'all,

Firstly, sorry to bring out this old question again, but recently I just received this inquiry from my friend who is also on his way to digital streaming though, as we were discuss whether a network switch would help or not like everyone else, he sorta struck me with this, " Based on some researches, I found that most hi-end or high quality digital audio devices would reclock and dejitter signals on the arrival anyway, so what's the possible benefit of doing that in a network switch prior to arrival? "

I was speechless lol, because I didn't know about this, and I bough a network switch myself actually, so I seriously would like to prove my point to him!

If you guys have some insightful opinions regarding this question, please do share, I'm dying to learn...



You don't need to understand. Trust the science and give them your credit card.

I haven’t watched the video but to add to the issues, as far as Ethernet, there is galvanic isolation, and Ethernet cable grounding that have made a huge difference on my system.  And we thought vinyl was tweeky?  I think digital is far tweakier.

You friend is correct and old Hans doesn't know what the crap he's talking about. As long as the DAC can lock on the signal you're good. 

“I was speechless lol, because I didn’t know about this, and I bough a network switch myself actually, so I seriously would like to prove my point to him!”

So you buy stuff without researching and validation…good going! That’s the exact sort of thing fuels the ASR and archimago disciples 😂