High Fidelity Cable replaces NPS 1260

The product is going to be called NPS Q45T. Not out yet, but on their Facebook page.


That's correct the info was based on the NPS 1260. The stuff is greasy and messy, so it makes sense to use gloves regardless of what product is used. A mask is probably overkill but hey, we probably have a lot of those hanging around so go ahead and use it.


I know what the main active ingredient is. I published it in a post on Audiogon a couple of years ago. It's non-toxic. 

"I know what the main active ingredient is. I published it in a post on Audiogon a couple of years ago. It's non-toxic."  Interesting, except Q45T did not exist a couple of years ago...


Yes, very interesting. How could that be? A lot of audio manufacturers read Audiogon, I believe. Please feel free to draw the obvious conclusion.

I have 10 kilos of it, which I use for my own experiments. 

Boys and girls there’s a new kid on the block so retrieve your cleaning kits from retirement and have them ready to work again. This new product is better clearer than anything I have ever used, including nps 1260...This as of yet unnamed product is shockingly transparent and clear. I also have a container of unopened Q45 which I intend to compare to this new free radical ..It"s not dangerous. It’s just jaw dropping . Tom