New Power Cable on a 1990 Hafler DH120?

Is it worth putting an upgraded power cord on my 1990 Hafler DH120?  I am considering upgrading because it is rather old.  Still sounds good IMO.  Maybe I could get some better sound with a new cable.  Considering a GR Research cable.



Replace the power supply caps and any electrolytic bypass caps on the individual amp channels.  You'll get much better return on investment.



Sorry you were surprised with some of the responses. I think most of it is due to extra tight underwear. Or, possibly a lack of naps. 

BTW, one of my band mates brought his ancient Hafler amp to see how it sounded in my system.  I was shocked that it more than held its own against my McCormack DNA 0.5 Rev. A.  Not sure which model his Hafler was though, but I was really impressed and could’ve easily lived with that amp, so rehabbing it might not be a bad idea and a good investment.  FWIW. 

I have changed out hundreds of captive ac cords since before the net, and obtained my parts from either HD or Lowes. Now I order everything from the web. As far as a difference ? Absolutely ! Every possible " sound quality " description we all use in this hobby, based on our ears, is enhanced / enlarged. This, just by a heavier gauge wire and superior connector / plug. Your Hafler is a nice amplifier, and would easily exhibit improvements from the design, benefiting your ears. Enjoy ! MrD.