Class-A Amplification and 15 Amp Outlet

Pardon my electrical theory ignorance, but I have always been intrigued by the beauty of Class - A sound, as such, I am actively exploring a purchase. My question is based upon the power draw (even at idle) and the ability of a 15 Amp wall outlet to provide such without tripping. I have looked at the "big boys" from Pass XA160’s, Gryphons Essence Stereo & Antileon EVO to name a few. I do not have the option of installing a dedicated circuit in my unit. So, would I be ok if the electronics (including a DAC/preamp) were on the same circuit?



Fwiw- If your considering a class A amp Id run it directly into the wall. I find that conditioners mess with the dynamics on power hungry amps.

At lease a SET tube amp draws constant current which is modulated through the output transformer. The current draw does not change - increase - when louder passages in the music play. Therefore, you need not have the high current carrying capacity of a push-pull or class B requires. I agree with the other answers telling you there is no need to worry about it.

You only need to be concerned about maximum amperage with transient power levels.  Meanwhile put that digital stuff on a separate filter