Are there speakers that disappear regardless of the recording?

I have a pair of B&W 805d3’s. Strictly analog system. Source is the Clearaudio Ovation, Hana SL cart. Herron VTPH-2A phono stage. Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II integrated amp. The speakers sound great most of the time. I have many records that cause the speakers to essentially disappear with a holographic sound stage, beautiful imaging and great dynamics. Some other records, not so much. Curious if there’s a way to achieve disappearing speakers no matter what recording you throw at them? Thanks!

We are fortunate to own 40 year old full range electrostatics and they disappear in 95% of the recordings when we added a Class A tube integrated amp last year. Really enjoying the system now.

Yes from the smaller MBL 126 omni directional Loudspeakers all the way up to their Top 111 , they are great Loudspeakers !! 

my thiels "disappear" on all but ping-pong stereo records. and that is without any kind of special amp or other upstream electronics.