Grounding cable gauge size

For those of you using external grounding source devices, units such as Entreq, Nordost, Synergistic, etc. What size wire gauge seems to work the best?



Thank you gavman for that very helpful information.

I can say that my DIY boxes do seem to be as good as the Entreq Silver Tellus (if perhaps better). I have done a lot of research, and a lot of trial and error in the ingredients that I chose for my DIY versions. Combined they all make a big difference in the sound depth and all the other attributes you have referenced. With the Entreq and my 3 DIY versions I have been able to separate digital, analog and speakers.

All that being said I would like to try a Tripoint unit someday, but they are a little costly,


then why do so many otherwise sane people report that they do? This type of uninformed condescension wears very thin from those who have zero hands on experience and simply pontificate from their armchairs

I'm with you 100% on this

All that being said I would like to try a Tripoint unit someday, but they are a little costly,



Took me a year to save up for the Tripoint...


Btw your focus on grounding wires is shared by the high end forums WBF and AudioExotics in the far east. Tripoint make some upgraded ground wires, as does Dalby Audio Design,  even by WBF and AE standards they are eye- wateringly expensive; think 10 x the cost of the Entreq Ertha Atlantis. But users report that the ground wire is perhaps even more significant than the grounding box.

But users report that the ground wire is perhaps even more significant than the grounding box.

interesting - what type of construction are they?


Thank you. As I stated early on in this thread, I still cannot understand what makes the grounding wires so expensive. I am using mostly solid .9999 silver 16-18 ga wire on my DIY boxes, but I do have 2 sets of the Entreq Atlantis cables on the Entreq box. And they are better than my solid silver wires. At least on the Entreq box.
