Magico A5, Wilson SabrinaX, or PS Audio FR30?

Powered by a McIntosh MA12000 in a 14’ (width) x 30’ (depth) x 10.5’ (height) room with concrete floors. Listening is 50% jazz, 10% classical, 25% rock/alt, 15% electronic. Sources are a Dr. Feickert Blackbird/Soundsmith Hyperion analog and Innuos Statement digital.  Ideally, I'd like to eliminate the need for dual subwoofers.

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The Stenheim Alumine Three is a little over $30k and might be a really good option for you. I liked them a lot when I heard them at a show and I've onlyread good reviews of their speakers.

I've heard the Sabrina X as well as the Sasha's.  Have not heard the PS Audio or the Rockports.

Bought and installed the A5's about a month ago.  So far, they sound amazing!  For those that have not heard this Magico, it is not the least thin sounding or bright, like previous models from this manufacturer.  If anything, it is a bottom up speaker with a slightly warm tonality.  Except it has incredible detail and disappears in the room,

I like it better than the Sasha's, never mind the Sabrina X.

A little back round: I've owned various Wilson's near 30 years, so I am a Wilson fan.  

Currently also have a Joseph Audio Pulsar 2 Graphene in a second system, also a great speaker and better IMO than the Wilson's.

I've had the A3s for 14 months and they continue to amaze me. The break-in is very long with the Magicos and has been continuing to get better with time.

The last guy that came over to listen was serious in wanting to know where my sub was hiding? I asked the same question the first time I heard them at the store during the demo. "No sub" was the answer to the question in both cases.

Be prepared to possibly make changes to your power source with the Magicos. I'll be installing a different amp for the third time and upgrading the preamp since owning them. They're a fussy mistress but the pleasure is worth all of the extra expense.

The A5 are magnificent. I am still looking forward to every listening session almost a year after I got them. It’s in the subtleties that keep on coming. Unlike so many others "impressive" speakers that just lay everything they have on you from the first sec and never stop until you give up, the A5 keeps pulling you in deeper and deeper into the music. Highly recommended, you will have to spend twice as much to maybe get anything equivalent.