Magico A5, Wilson SabrinaX, or PS Audio FR30?

Powered by a McIntosh MA12000 in a 14’ (width) x 30’ (depth) x 10.5’ (height) room with concrete floors. Listening is 50% jazz, 10% classical, 25% rock/alt, 15% electronic. Sources are a Dr. Feickert Blackbird/Soundsmith Hyperion analog and Innuos Statement digital.  Ideally, I'd like to eliminate the need for dual subwoofers.

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Showing 2 responses by henry201

Excellent choice!

I upgraded to the Magico A5 from the Carmel 2. Was saving to buy the Hailey 2, changed course after hearing the A5 (and saved a bundle). 

The A5 are magnificent. I am still looking forward to every listening session almost a year after I got them. It’s in the subtleties that keep on coming. Unlike so many others "impressive" speakers that just lay everything they have on you from the first sec and never stop until you give up, the A5 keeps pulling you in deeper and deeper into the music. Highly recommended, you will have to spend twice as much to maybe get anything equivalent.