MM vs MC Cartridges

I have all High Output phono Cartridges on 2 TT's. One is a Thorens TD 1601 and a Technics 1210. My Cartridges are Ortofon 2M Black, Sumiko Blue Point Special EVO III, Ortofon 2M Bronze & HANA EH. My Phono Pre is McIntosh MP100. My integrated Amp Prima Luna Dialogue Premium HP with EL 34's.

I'll be replacing the EL 34's for New KT 120's. I want to Buy a Low Output phono cartridge but I'm afraid I won't get the performance from Low Output cartridges, like HANA ML and others. I do play above 76db in my 350 Sq Ft Retirement Home room. I don't worry about disturbing my Neighbors as they All have hearing loss issues.

I don't want to buy a $1,000+ MC Low output Cartridge only to find my Audio Gear is not up to the Job. My speakers are Joseph Audio Perspectives, Kimber Bifocal XL's Cables. My hearing is excellent for a 71 yr old Man, I'm always in the Rabbit Hole for the last 53 years. It's what I spend my Pension on. What do you think?




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I prefer well made MM/MI cartridges to MC. I'm currently running the Grado Statement3 on my SME 20/3. Several folks that have heard this rig have also switched from MC to MM, one retiring an expensive Air Tight.

In your price range, I would recommend the Grado Master3.

SoundSmith also makes excellent high output MI cartridges. In your price range, look into the Carmen. No one comes close to their rebuild price; 20% of retail.

Dear @griptube : " MC Low output Cartridge only to find my Audio Gear is not up to the Job. "

You only need to look for LOMC cartridges of 0.3mv output and up. The @lewm is a good option for a MC. The non MC @vinylvalet  alternatives are good too and different of what you own as could be the LOMC Audio Technica cartridge too.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,


I just purchased a 'Benz Micro Glider' 0.9mv. It's a medium output Cartridge. It takes care of my fears of not having enough output and a step up in a quality MC. I get it tomorrow, hopefully installed next week on my Thorens TD1601.

I think I live in the 'rabbit hole'. Now I have 5 Phono Cartridges. Now I am going to get the Wax outta my Ears. I have 71 years of build up in em'.



Check the Soundsmith web page Peter has a whole education on the different  types of cartridges. I'm currently using the Carmen Il which is excellent .

Garrott bros in Australia, and SoundSmith in the US, both do the MI cartridges.

(I was considering the Hana ML, but ended up with a Garrott Bros.)

Peter Ledermann (SoundSmith) has some videos where he makes some compelling arguments for his MI designs.