MM vs MC Cartridges

I have all High Output phono Cartridges on 2 TT's. One is a Thorens TD 1601 and a Technics 1210. My Cartridges are Ortofon 2M Black, Sumiko Blue Point Special EVO III, Ortofon 2M Bronze & HANA EH. My Phono Pre is McIntosh MP100. My integrated Amp Prima Luna Dialogue Premium HP with EL 34's.

I'll be replacing the EL 34's for New KT 120's. I want to Buy a Low Output phono cartridge but I'm afraid I won't get the performance from Low Output cartridges, like HANA ML and others. I do play above 76db in my 350 Sq Ft Retirement Home room. I don't worry about disturbing my Neighbors as they All have hearing loss issues.

I don't want to buy a $1,000+ MC Low output Cartridge only to find my Audio Gear is not up to the Job. My speakers are Joseph Audio Perspectives, Kimber Bifocal XL's Cables. My hearing is excellent for a 71 yr old Man, I'm always in the Rabbit Hole for the last 53 years. It's what I spend my Pension on. What do you think?




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Showing 3 responses by holmz

I’m dealing with the situation but I’m helping a friend with his vinyl rig and I believe a low output cartridge would be too much of a challenge for his Rega phono amp.
So, how about medium output cartridges? I know they’re out there. Can people name some medium output cartridges so that I have a reference?

What gain?

What $ level

Have you looked at Moving Iron?

Garrott bros in Australia, and SoundSmith in the US, both do the MI cartridges.

(I was considering the Hana ML, but ended up with a Garrott Bros.)

Peter Ledermann (SoundSmith) has some videos where he makes some compelling arguments for his MI designs.