Just updated my virtual system

Not that many care, but my virtual system here has been upgraded.

Next month I take delivery of more GIK components and will do a better job of showing off the entire front.




Of course you have many more windows than I do. I only have two 2' x 3' triple glass pane 4" thick so the sound of our rooms would be drastically different regardless of treatment. Maybe you will be fully satisfied as designed. That was my hope :)

They do look great but to properly diffuse you need to have diffusers that actually have multiple elements protruding out without any absorbers behind it. Just my opinion.


Well, depends on what you mean by "proper".

The effectiveness of these is limited by the depth of the material.  I consider them to be high-value, for what they cost and where they fit, but I expect deeper, bigger, much more expensive panels if properly designed would provide even better performance.

Thanks @erik_squires I have read the blog and it’s very informative. I’d be really interested in reading your update when you get the tri-traps in, this kind of first hand experience from people who know what they’re doing is invaluable.

@pabs85 It will be a slow process. Right now my corners I have 2x soffit traps (total) and stand up panels above that. When the first round of tri-traps come in they will replace the top panels. According to the specs this will give me better bass absorption than the stand up panels but not quite as good as the soffit traps.

It will be a while before I replace the soffit traps underneath them. I just spent quite a bit on the HT receiver, rack and the GIK panels I should be getting net month so I’m out of funding unless GIK or Luxman decides to sponsor me. :)

TBC: What makes the soffit traps exceptional is the broad band performance under 80 Hz given their relative small size.  The tri-traps are no slouches either.

In addition to the soffit traps I also have the combination diffusor/mondo traps you see behind hte speaker, and another pair of mondo traps on the floor behind hte rack.


Maybe this will help frame my conversion a little:

I’ve had the soffit traps for a very long time, but I’ve been steadily adding mondo traps after I bought this house. So I went from relying almost completely on the soffit traps, which are great, to spreading the love around.

Now that my room is nearing completion, I am thinking that a combination unit in their place, with additional absorption thanks to the stacked up tri-traps will move things in the right direction from where it is now.

If you have nothing and know you need bass traps, the soffits are phenomenal but the tri-traps give me the option to add a little more diffusion surface whcih I know I need.

This isn't so much about product quality but total balance. I can't tell you how much they improved the sound of my speakers in a room and how much bigger my speakers sound thanks to them.