Correct me if I'm wrong, but in your message above, you wrote "By eliminating tracking angle error and distortion, properly implemented tangential trackers give you the most accurate soundstage presentation,". .. Based on the context, I think you meant to write:
"By eliminating tracking angle error and distortion, properly implemented linear trackers give you the most accurate soundstage presentation,".
Regarding amplifiers, yes, both the Lamm M2.2 and Ypsilon Hyperion are excellent. I enjoy listening to both. Overall, the Ypsilon render a much smoother presentation, which is excellent regardless of speaker cable or interconnect used, while the Lamm are very detailed and clear, they are also quite sensitive to choice of speaker cable and interconnect and can sound flat/dark with the wrong cabling.
Here is an email I sent to a friend about them:
I will have to say that the Lamm is very good, but the Ypsilon does take the edge overall. The Ypsilon is smoother, although both are equally detailed and transparent. Both offer an equally substantial sound stage, but the Lamm separates the instruments/voices with slightly more detail and space between the instruments, comparing it to the Ypsilon with the Russian 6H30pi tubes installed.
When I switched out the standard Russian 6H30pi in the Ypsilon for NOS 5687 tubes, the improvement is quite remarkable. The smoothness is still there with the Ypsilon, but now the detail, clarity, and balance of presentation are also present, which equals or slightly exceeds that of the Lamm.