Synergistic Orange and purple fuses popping


Synergistic Orange and purple fuses popping

I recently upgraded all my gear with the new Synergistic orange and purple fuses (15 in all) What a difference! My Cary SLP-05 preamp with 8 Vintage Tungsten  6SN7 tubes is having problems with the Orange and Purple Synergistic fuses in the power supply. For some reason when I turn on the preamp amp after warming up the powersupply unit, the 2 power supply fuses pop. So far Synergistic has been gracious and replaced them twice now. I increased  the 2 large slow blow fuses from 1amp to 2amps after asking Cary audio what I should try. I also spoke with Synergistic and they agreed their fuses are sensitive but all the stock fuses I ever used have worked flawlessly. Any body out there with any similar problems and maybe a solution? Any upgraded hi-fi fuses that may be less prone to popping? I think it may be due to a current rush (tube related) when I go from off to on. Help!



Bottom line for me is I agree with oldhvymec and see no danger except a possible fuse pops and they cost a lot. If it pops it's doing it's job. Meanwhile my stereo sounds like heaven on earth. Yeah It's worth the effort and it's a PINTA but isn't that what real high end is all about. Were all sick and stupid!! Just ask my wife.


@gregtheis -- I just read the initial posts. Since you went up 1A, go up another amp or two. I did that successfully throughout my system with the SR Orange, with only one failure in a preamp when I plugged in ICs for subs (tho they weren't powered up). As you discovered, SR is very aware of the turn-on "rush" problem with some components, but has in effect refused to build their fuses to UL industry standards. Most, but not all, developers over spec their products a few multiples to avoid having lots of warranty returns, given the variety of user situations. Asking is a good idea, because some don't (seems like poor design, but I don't really know). Alternatively, consider Audio Magic's Ultimate Premier fuses, which are built to industry spec and really good -- I've just burned in a couple -- or the even the pricier Quantum Science fuses out of Hong Kong or thereabouts, which have been highly reviewed on What's Best Forum. And keep ignoring the naysayers.


Thanks for all the great advice and ideas. It makes sense that the manufacturers over spec to reduce warranty problems.  I will do some more research and try some other quality fuses in the future. That said I really like these purple fuses. Yes I have mostly Orange in both systems but as I replace things I will be trying more of the crazy purple fuses.  Those Audio Magic are the ones with the beeswax I think and they have some QC problems I believe. Never heard of the Quantum Science fuses. Worth a look though. I still can't believe these can make the diffreneces I've been hearing. Like I said before, I love that snake oil!


Greg, I found this forum & this topic by doing a google on 'do Synergistic fuses really sound better'.  On another forum I no longer frequent I read more than 2 members swearing by them, and since then I have always been interested/tempted.

I recently upgraded from a SLP 90 to a preowned (from Cary) SLP 05 that I had them put "The Ultimate Upgrade" on before they shipped it, and this was the unit I was most interested in re-fusing with Synergistic (especially now, as they are on sale).  What you have discovered about turning on the power supply last is advice I will heed whether I refuse or not, but I do have a question about this:

What direction did you find sounded best on your Cary preamp? I I have the hot end going in from right to left.

Am I missing something?  I believe on mine, the fuses plug into the back of the power supply from back to forward?

And I agree with just about everything you have typed about this "hobby."