Synergistic Orange and purple fuses popping


Synergistic Orange and purple fuses popping

I recently upgraded all my gear with the new Synergistic orange and purple fuses (15 in all) What a difference! My Cary SLP-05 preamp with 8 Vintage Tungsten  6SN7 tubes is having problems with the Orange and Purple Synergistic fuses in the power supply. For some reason when I turn on the preamp amp after warming up the powersupply unit, the 2 power supply fuses pop. So far Synergistic has been gracious and replaced them twice now. I increased  the 2 large slow blow fuses from 1amp to 2amps after asking Cary audio what I should try. I also spoke with Synergistic and they agreed their fuses are sensitive but all the stock fuses I ever used have worked flawlessly. Any body out there with any similar problems and maybe a solution? Any upgraded hi-fi fuses that may be less prone to popping? I think it may be due to a current rush (tube related) when I go from off to on. Help!



Showing 13 responses by gregtheis

Are most of them UL rated and if so is it obvious? Any suggestions on a brand that is better than the standard. I did hear the improvements so I'm buying in to the snake oil argument.

Thanks Ozzy for some helpful tips. I did increase the amps to 2 from 1 on the SR slow blows and they still popped. I 'm waiting to hear back from Cary to see if they condone a higher fuse rating. Not sure what it will take and if I'm pushing things to far. They sure do sound good in all my other componenets. I wonder why the naysayers can't hear any more. Best money snake oil can buy imho.


Thanks everyone for all your input and great advice? Since Cary just did a complete factory overhaul on my SLP-05 I and I retubed it as well I think I will try a higher value slow blow after double checking with Cary first. I'm going to confirm if they changed the caps and fix if they didn't. Also I will try turning the preamp on first before the power supply and see if that solves it. Thanks Ted and Synergistic. You have been great incidentally at trying to help resolve this and even replaced the popped fuses , no questions asked. Very refreshing when you consider the feeling you get with a $400 pop with these new purples.



Wow am I learning some stuff about my gear! Your insight is extremely helpful. Now I have a place to start. Any thoughts on a decent Hi FI fuse that works as well as the cheapies until I get the caps replaced? By the way my wife has tolerated my obsession for 38 years and now that I have the Evolution Acoustics mm3's (all 1500 pounds) in our family room, I realize she is a keeper. HA!

oldhvymec and other audio nuts out there:

noromance solved my fuses popping on start up. I just reversed the order and turned the power supply on last as the rectifier tube in the preamp warms up slowly. Wala the fuse held. Now to break in the new purple fuses and hopefully hear what many are claiming. Better overall sound!

As a continuing audioholic, I''ve spent considerable energy and resources upgrading everything over many years. The result I have lets me pretend I am at a rock cocert  or a symphony orhestra with somme pretty good realism. No more concerts since the whole pandemic so this is the next best thing. Lots of fun and never ending quest for the holy grail. It's either that or bars and women. Wife wouldn't like that so she lets me do my stereo obsession. Next thing I'm gonna tackle the room acoustics. Called Synergy and started researching their stuff. It will probably be my next post.


Not proving you wrong and really appreciate you sharing your vast experience on this. I know you were right as this is likely just a temporary fix till the caps get worse. As you suggested and so did Ted from Synergy, the preamp shouldn't pop a slow blow fuse when you turn it on unless something is not right!


Tell me more about those tubes you swapped. What have you tried and how do they compare to something like my vintage Tungsten? I'm interested in how you ended up with the tubes you have. Also now that I have the purple SR fuses I'm breaking them in. What direction did you find sounded best on your Cary preamp? I I have the hot end going in from right to left. Jury is still out on benefits over orange SR.



Synergistic has been quick to respond and replaced any of the fuses I popped at no charge and were willling to work with me to analyze posssible causes. My solution was easy. I turn my Carey SLP-05 preamp on first and then the power supply. The problem we all seem to be having is the current rush when we turn the power supply on. It is apparently a bigger issue with tube equipment. Also our gear could have weakened caps? Since I have replaced all my gear with Orange and now some purple fuses the music has become more real and musical. Improved imaging and detail, etc. The purple are even better. You do have to have good equipment to here major improvements and decent hearing as well. I replaced the fuses on my othe system in FL with the orange fuses but the improvements were not as dramatic. Good equipment there too, but not like my main system here in Chicago. I still wonder whey the cheap fuses never popped?


It's a dilemna for sure,

They really do sound better with good gear. Synergistic told me the cheaper fuses are not very accurate on their rated values so they could be significantly higher than their rating. If that's the case the manufacturers would have to be careful not to rate their recommended values as high.  Moving to a higher amp rating is  Synergistics normal suggestion and they say their amp ratings are very accurate. It worked for me and the technician at Cary was OK with a small jump in amp rating. I called first just to clarify things.

God luck



Bottom line for me is I agree with oldhvymec and see no danger except a possible fuse pops and they cost a lot. If it pops it's doing it's job. Meanwhile my stereo sounds like heaven on earth. Yeah It's worth the effort and it's a PINTA but isn't that what real high end is all about. Were all sick and stupid!! Just ask my wife.



Thanks for all the great advice and ideas. It makes sense that the manufacturers over spec to reduce warranty problems.  I will do some more research and try some other quality fuses in the future. That said I really like these purple fuses. Yes I have mostly Orange in both systems but as I replace things I will be trying more of the crazy purple fuses.  Those Audio Magic are the ones with the beeswax I think and they have some QC problems I believe. Never heard of the Quantum Science fuses. Worth a look though. I still can't believe these can make the diffreneces I've been hearing. Like I said before, I love that snake oil!



I did the SLP 05 Ultimate Upgrade as well, along with the older Tungsten tubes.  Maybe that combo with the fuses is the improvements we are hearing. I was afraid to try different directions on the fuses after the original problems so I never tried reversing them. They are as you say hot end going in right to left. fuse info/writing reads from left to right going in to back of power supply. I'd be interested to heare if anyone has tried them reversed and has any opinion. They sound right to my ears the way they are. 


Hi again Matt,

I'm no expert either but unless I'm mistaken we have it right. The hot end is the forward end of the fuse which as you say goes straight in to the power supply. The SR is on the other end which is the fuse holder itself with the fuse values showing left to right as we read. Also, I think the power supply rush when turning on the unit first before the power supply eliminates the current rush because the rectifier tubes warm up slower. Again, someone else is the forum like HeavyMech knows way more on this stuff.

Happy listening
