Decisive moments your your audio journey

Have you had any truly decisive moments in your time in this hobby? 

I would have to point back to the first time I ever heard Magnepans, it was a “whoa what was that moment?” moment. That was in the 1980’s. It was the first time I ever truly heard reproduced music that got the midrange right, without it being squished 


So many...which date to the late 69-early 70 when my father bought me, I was 5 years old,  a tube amplifier that needed a LOT of restoration, and after 8-12 months was ready to be plugged into my father's Tannoy. Still bring chills when I remember  the tubes lighting up, this alone was probably among the most influential things ever happened to me. I am autistic so at that time autism was not all well understood, still isn't understood but we are making progress, it help me to connect to something, and without knowing all of the sudden this little boy found a way to connect and be more "normal". My dad recognized this and soon I was restoring radios and amplifiers in my town. My path into electronics, music, turntables, records, computers, math and physics was now set.

Second to that, when my father introduced me to Hiroyasu Kondo in 1991, that same year, I sold my car, and pretty much everything else so I could afford my first Kondo, OnGAKU which I still have, and started  generous client-owner relationship Hiroyasu Kondo. Now I have 4 of his amplifiers. 

Third might be the first TechDas TT and the darTZeel nhb-458 which was my first serious SS amp purchase.


@ozzy62 thank you..

I forgot to add that I had a similar experience with my son, although he didn't continue to build amps into his adulthood, helped so much to showcase others that autism is not a bad thing, and although sometimes very difficult, is just a different way of going about life and living. 

It has been an incredible journey, life without music would have been entirely different.

Three times with my current system build up.

1. adding AGD Audion mono blocks. For the first time I heard musician’s phrasing.

That is the most subtle and most profound.

2. adding a Lyra Atlas SL cartridge. The detail and imaging went threw the roof.

3. adding Townshend Podiums under my speakers. The speakers at least doubled in perceived price. In a real way, the most important.

Around 1976 when I accidentally pressed the FM button on my dad's quality Grundig radio. At the time there were only 2 (pirate) stations broadcasting on the entire band range. But the SQ over MW was spectacular. Hooked to High fidelity ever since :-)