My thoughts on my First Watt J2 Amplifier

I just posted a new video sharing thoughts of the First watt J2. I hope you enjoy



@rocray Thanks for the kind words. With the right speakers, the J2 can go earbleed and sound clear as day. The Motherload pre really looks like a nice piece of equipment

I enjoyed the review!

I also own the STA-200 which is a great amp (at the discounted price) however as stated in the review problematic for the high gain. A candidate for a passive pre. which I use with it in a secondary system. 

After selling my BEL 1001 MK5 (a poor decision on my part) I purchased a Pass XA25. Still getting to know this one. It is in rotation with an Aric Audio Transcend tube amp.  Driving Tannoy Sterlings. As you state with the J2, the Pass can go loud and remain clear as day. Must say I enjoy having both amps. They both deeply involve me in the music. 

Not much for writing reviews, my hearing is mine alone, would not impose that on anyone :-).

@rocray how do the Boxers sound with the J2 combination?  I have the Boxers 3S and have been considering a J2. 

Hi @emarcano,

     To my ears they sound phenomenal.  Wide,deep soundstage. Great texture,and tone.  The J2 seems to drive them with ease. I use the J2 in my main system in the winter months,and my secondary system in my finished basement in the summer. The J2 does run hot. I definitely would not put it in a cabinet,it needs to have airflow. I would highly recommend the J2 with the Nolas. Keep us posted.


@mesch the STA200 is a fantastic sounding amp. I wish I kept mine to switch in and out every now and then. The discounts offered for this amp made this the best amp bargain on the planet. Only if that gain was not so hot.