McIntosh -- good for show, not for sound, says dealer

More unvarnished truth from YouTube.
"real audiophiles...know it doesn't sound that good"

Real audiophiles -- be aware. You've been read the Riot Act. 



Thanks hilde for your kind words...

But remember something important also about what i called mechanical equalization... Which is different than the room treatment only...

Here the mechanical TUNING add something no room treatment is able to do alone, it bent the room to what the system is asking for, for your specific ears...

It is this ignorance about the complexities of acoustic that made people FOCUS on upgrade and piece of gear mainly to improve their experience...

Alas! Like i said the greatest solution is a dedicated room not a new amplifier if the amplifier you already own is basically good...

Then first you choose your flavored prefered system in a treated room...

Second you bent the room for it with mechanical equalization and guess what ? the S.Q. is over the roof for your ears with this system...

there is difference between any system but not so powerful to compared with an acoustic settings designed for his optimal working...

Here we speak of gear plenty of people answer...

In my new thread about acoustic almost no answer ...


Because acoustic is complex matter and it is more easy to buy gear....

You are right about some gear being not very good to begin with...

But most quality gear are basically good.... It is a taste question more than objective quality....

Then kNowing that the gear is secondary to acoustiic...



“In my new thread about acoustic almost no answer ...Why?”


You need to know your audience..does that ring a bell? Most folks here can’t rival or afford your level of dedication to room acoustics. I mean just look at your room, it should be a national treasure. There is something other worldly about the room and your exquisite work, have you contacted Guinness World Records?

@kingbarbuda, word.

@hilde45, Mikey doesn't script his videos. He doesn't monetize them either. He knows he's out there and is an acquired taste. I mean he calls himself OCD HiFi guy and makes fun of himself.

One thing that comes across very strongly is his passion for sonics. That's backed up by the system he's put together and his listening room. Geez, he converted his garage into a listening room! That's commitment! 

His passion extends to calling out iconic brands he feels once had amazing gear but have sold out to corporations that take the good name of a brand and start to sell gear designed to increase profits instead of staying true to quality made gear. He's been in the industry a long time and looks inside the box to see what kind of quality goes into a component. That's exactly what Kevin Deal does but Kevin dances around and gives hints on what brands he's talking about.

I think his beef with Magico is that they're very expensive. I know he said that he thinks they're made to look pretty. I didn't buy the A3's for looks. I thought my old Infinity RS4b's were a much better looking speaker. I bought the A3's for sonics.

Turning people against one another is one way of looking at what he says. I look at it like that's his opinion. Saying he's turning people against one another feeds into permanent disagreement and division. That's your opinion of what's happening, it doesn't make it true. I'm not willing to cancel him for his opinion or claim he's dividing people. Accepting that other people have differing opinions is how society can become healthier. Not accepting other peoples opinions and claiming they are divisive and flat out wrong is what's wrong with our society today and it seems to be getting worse. 

I have many good friends on the opposite side of the political and religious isle because I recognize that their opinions are different from mine but I still value their friendship because we have other passions that align. We just have to be respectful of each others strongly held opinions. When that happens everyone can get along and share the good information that each of us has.







It was not a lament of my part here... just an example to reveal that gear interest people not complex acoustic...

I used to have almost no answer in my thread :)

It is better that way....

Nobody has see my room the photos in my virtual page are years old already...It is way much more mad... It is an acoustic laboratory for me... I dont give a dam for esthetic i dont want to give one bucks first, sceond i want to created myself my own devices... They dont exist in the market anyway.... Acoustic is way more complex than what those who sell panels say it is...

It is the reason why i learned that acoustic matter way more than any relatively good piece of gear ,even if their sound colore and flavor are all different...Mc Intosh, Sansui or any relatively good amplifier will do even if i love my Sansui...A

Acoustic is not about flavor but about complete recreation of all acoustic characteristc of perceived sound....

Someone who own a dedicated controlled room dont want to upgrade....i will not.... Even if i know that my dream Amplifier will be better than my Sansui : Berning ZOTL...My ratio S.Q./price is already optimal ....

Then people must pick the amplifier they like and after that go into acoustic... Bashing other amplifier they dont like is children play... Especially when most people have never listen to their own system really and dont know his peak working  potential because their living  room is at best simply treated with few panels and in most case not even treated... Then with a non mechanically controlled room the system and the room dont play together at all synergetically FOR YOUR SPECIFIC EARS....

“In my new thread about acoustic almost no answer ...Why?”


You need to know your audience..does that ring a bell? Most folks here can’t rival or afford your level of dedication to room acoustics. I mean just look at your room, it should be a national treasure. There is something other worldly about the room and your exquisite work, have you contacted Guinness World Records?

I rarely post about my system because it is McIntosh and on this forum there are so many McIntosh bashers it is not worth the abuse. Hopefully we have bashed McIntosh enough for 2022.