Speaker Gratification

Lately when the buying urge hits, I guess I’ve been fortunate. For example, when I get my juices flowing on You Tube, and start listening to the many talking heads talk about “the best” speakers, or alot about nothing, I reposition my Forte 1’s, maybe toe them in…and  realize that my SVS micro 3000 adjustable sub (on my iOS phone app…well, it saves a bunch of money just thinking how grateful I am. I mean a Forte IV has a bigger passive radiator, and all, but satisfaction comes from realizing I can get just as much bass from my SVS, as I can from upgrading. And the Cary Tube CAD 808 is about as good as it gets for these 99 db speakers. And a Bluesound Node as the straw that stirs the drink…Ahhh,  Gratitude is the right attitude for these inflationary times…

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That's nice if you enjoy that journey, which many of us would find to be torture. There are easier ways to get there, but good for you, you did it yourself! 

moose, good for you.

There aren't many who've experienced the advantage of remote subwoofer control as well as the flexibility that customizable memory presets can have on varied recordings all while maintaining an analog presentation above the crossover. 

“the best” speakers, or alot about nothing



If I had 1 cent for every time someone recommended a BEST speaker on audiogon, I;’d be a millionaire by now. Look xover type speakers are flawed at the getgo. Of course I’ve tried 1000 x’s to explian why and not one can follow my logic analysis.