Your single most significant purchase mistake?

Your most significant regret for having bought? Big expectations and an even bigger letdown? The one you kicked yourself the hardest for ever having bight 


mijostyn - I like the way you think😎 although I have many more mistakes. For audio, selling my SAE X-25A.

@jjss49 they were as sexy as they were sterile. Talk about a company that had it all, I really wonder what happened.

Yours in music,

Ted Denney III

Lead Designer/CEO Synergistic Research Inc.

A 1990 Sony BDP CDP. Too long ago to remember which one but for “light but tight bass” read “next to no bass at all”.

Bob Carver Line Source Speakers. I bought these because I really liked the Bob Carver 350 Mono block amps. But were those speakers bad! Sucked power big time the needles on the amp were pegging even at moderate listening levels. And the sound quality was terrible. I too sold these to TMR at a considerable loss.

Oh, by the way they also had fantastic reviews. They are no longer made.
