Best Bang for the Buck Upgrade

So I have an unexpected bonus coming my way and may want to dedicate a portion of it to a system upgrade. Let's say 5-7k. Current system is Pioneer S-1ex speakers, Cambridge CXC transport, Musical Fidelity A1008 integrated, Burson Composer 3xp dac. Cables are mid grade nothing fancy but better than stock. Not really interested in streaming at the moment.

So for a descent chunk of change what should I be looking at? If I sold the speakers I could probably go up to 10k for another pair (used always) but I really don't think I have come close yet to maxing out the potential of these Pioneers (tad). 


@mofojo Are you in your own house, and plan to be there for the foreseeable future?

If yes, then address the power. Get it right.

Panel (inclusive) through to the wall outlets (inclusive); including dedicated grounds / a sub panel, etc.etc. Your budget will cover all of this.

This will result in tremendous dividends and benefits for your current system as well as any component / system related changes you make going forward.


Yes room correction is on my radar. I can only do so much in this shared area without putting the foot down😀. I know there are some better looking stuff that can be done without a big argument. Big ole bass traps in the corners is probably out. Big glass slider behind the seating position. Next stop is buy a thick sliding curtain for that. 


i am planning on addressing the electrical. I am right next to the panel now a room over. I have not however thought about dedicated ground. I don’t even really know how that’s done? Big pole in the ground? 


To improve the sound of what you already have I would get a power conditioner. Get a used Audience unit for about $4k and you can upgrade it as you go a long. When I added a conditioner to my system, it was like a veil was removed from the music. All the instruments sounded more like instruments. Blacker background and better defined soundstage. 

It seems like you actually really like your system but are still looking for that next step - I can very much relate. I recently added a 2nd JL sub (placed to the rear of but not directly behind the primary listening position). I’m in a similar situation as you - stereo in the family room. Didn’t think I could get away with it either but went for it. Clearly the biggest improvement I’ve had so far. I don’t understand how this works but the sound is much much improved over the entire frequency range, more space between all instruments but the biggest improvement was the soundstage. Not subtle at all - like there is a 3-D band playing in my room. Really stunning what a 2nd sub can do. 

I would start with dinner and a TWO nice bottles of wine.

I’d move from there to a second dinner if need be and possibly a male or female escort. Just depends on how set in her ways the wife is.

THEN fix the room, it is 50% of the sound and 1/10th cost to fix. Besides it might make her happy for once, sometimes that’s all it takes.. :-) 3k tops.

Take a few quid and treat yourself to a dance lesson or two.. Put on a G-string and go roller blading.

Buy some chickens..

Re-Roof the outdoor speakers and air the tires.. There Big ones.. :-)