Responses from sidog1460
IsoAcoustics GAIA I had a little luck with my Gaia’s after replacing them with platforms. The threading for the speakers was identical to the threading on my amp stands. So, I removed the carpet spikes from the amps, replaced them with the Gaia’s and ordered some o... | |
IsoAcoustics GAIA I had Gaia’s on top of concrete blocks and the sound was pretty awesome. The bass was deep and tight, soundstaging and transparency was impressive. Due to the tweeter height I switched over to some platforms that are always said to be a step up fr... | |
Isolation systems @rsf507 I am actually talking to a Carbide Audio rep now. Their product sounds interesting. If I go with footers or a device under my rack my top three would be the Townshend seismic corners, Carbide Audio footers, and the Nordost Sort Fut’s. | |
Power amplifier longevity… thoughts? I had an Audio Research Vt-100 amp and Audible Illusions preamp combo for over 20 years. I wish I would’ve kept them both and started a second system. Great sound together. | |
Isolation systems I do have isolation devices under all my components. I have Symposium platforms and rollerblocks(some w superballs and double stacked) under all my equipment. It could be overkill adding isolation footers under the rack itself, but in order to ope... | |
Isolation systems I’m in the process of moving my rack back a few feet and it’s going to be a pain. I have done some research on Carbide Audio, Townshend, and Nordost footers for racks, in place of the original spikes. For the prices they charge don’t really want t... | |
ARC M300 MKII call for help If all else fails give Isaac Markowitz at ARC a call. He’s the sales rep for ARC and a great guy to deal with, if there’s anyway to get it done he’ll find out. | |
ARC M300 MKII call for help Give True Sound in Campbell, CA a call. Ask for Nick. He will sometimes surprise you with what he can do. | |
Do you belong more to souce first or to speakers first school of thought ? I’ll go with speakers, but as someone else mentioned previously, I would put a lot of consideration into the room and what type of speakers would perform best in that room. | |
Racks, equipment and footers If you want a rack made of wood and info on footers for the rack I would check out Massif. If you’re more concerned with a rack with an isolation system designed into the rack I would check out Core Audio Design. Both owners are very knowledgeable... | |
Audio Research Pre-Amp advice There’s an Ls28 for sale on eBay for $5500. It doesn’t say SE. A little over 1000 hrs on the tubes. | |
Breaking news! Jays Audio is moving to Texas and takes interest in McIntosh @jastralfu I’m pretty sure that your correct. He couldn’t audition the 901’s because he didn’t have the right connection(biwire) for his speakers. I think he actually had those amps listed here on Audiogon. | |
Improving a stone rack @jallan I’m not as well versed on granites and types of rocks as you, just going by what I was told. I don’t doubt anything you’ve said. I definitely agree that Valerio Alcora is a very nice guy and great rep for his company. I emailed the company... | |
Improving a stone rack I recently bought a rack from Acora audio and the shelves are African black granite. The underside of the shelves have some type of anti-resonate material attached to it. I always wanted to upgrade from my 20+ year old Target rack. I was thinking ... | |
vibration control - cd player My transport and dac sit on double-stacks of symposium rollerblocks and ultra platforms makes a very noticeable difference in performance. Got really good deals on the used market. |