About users with hidden agendas

If you know that a user is a dealer and they fail to disclose and attacks other users because they make a point against their interest, do you expose the user?

I know of a gentleman here that continuously posts and goes after people and does not disclose who he is. 

What are the ethics of this forum?


so you see something, make an assumption, and in your role as judge, jury and moral guardian of the the’’Gon decide to chastise and publicly ‘out’ someone whom you believe has offended your fine upstanding moral code.

What, just what if you got it totally wrong…….

hope you’re feeling truly righteous bro’

Nope. You've got one hell of an imagination and an axe to grind, bro.

No communication has been made by me with moderators in an attempt to censor any post made on this thread. If posts have been removed this has been done so by the author or at the behest of another party.

the allegations of censorship on my behalf are both baseless and malicious. A request was made to desist. Period.

Just who accused you of that? It wasn't me.

All the best,


Cancel culture is the 21st centuries book burning. While users posting with hidden agendas are clear to see, they’re the ones posting behind assumed names attacking any post, topic, or comment making a subjective observation absent measurements. These people are also in the minority, as most audiophiles understand audio, and in particular audio performance, is ultimately a subjective phenomenon; a point I’ve proven with the numerous discussions I’ve started here, most of which suffered a 21st Century Book Burning when they disappear through no action of mine. So why am I not surprised to read, the same actors projecting their malfeasance, are also working to have comments and threads taken down that expose their hypocrisy and fallacies.

Yours in music,

Ted Denney III Lead Designer/CEO Synergistic Research Inc.

Post removed 

Your post say the obvious and mask (voluntarily or not) the essential....

The obvious: any end result in audio come and is commanded by subjective perceptive experience yes for sure...

The essential:

Any process of education of our own taste and biases and experience is about the incremental CORRELATIVE process of subjective evaluation AND measures and objective eexperiments in engineering AND especially in acoustic sciences also...

as most audiophiles understand audio, and in particular audio performance, is ultimately a subjective phenomenon;

And comparing your threads question and formulated opinions which if they are contested could only be contested by witches hunters and cancel culture people is to be kind a completely exagerated opinion and to be less kind a twisted turn of the mind explanable only by your hidden motives... I dont know which one explain your post...

Cancel culture is the 21st centuries book burning.