Am I a hopeless audio snob?

I think that I may have a problem, I am becoming an audio snob.  

I am going to upgrade my turntable and spend some good money. I read good things about Technics turntables but for some reason I can't take them seriously. From a few feet away, a $4000 Technics plus rig looks like a $400 Technics rig. They look cheesy to me. Low tech 1980's stuff.

I am plunking down some serious money on my next table, but I can't even consider Technics because of the looks. 

I think that I need help!


I think your fine and you should get whatever makes you happy. Looks are certainly an issue, so it’s your money, you need to be happy with all aspects of your purchase. 

"" so I don’t get why you started a thread based on a swipe at Technics and Japanese products in general without at least also mentioning your extensive prior experience and knowledge...""







@pilrem Yes on the AMG and definitely Yes on the HRS.  S or M levels platforms are amazing. Which AMG?


5,659 posts

@secretguy , you asked for it and I will double down. VPI makes inferior equipment. If you own one I suggest you get rid of it ASAP before your cartridge explodes. I am not a big Technics fan but I would take one eons before a VPI. Even the Linn is far superior. How's that for BS? I have a lot more if you'd like.

Keep spewing your uneducated nonsense. That'll teach me.