your first system-

I put together my first system in 1977- turntable, receiver, speakers and a cassette deck- $600. An on-line inflation calculator tells me that is $2760 in 2022 dollars. I am sure a current $1500 streaming based system can be assembled that would demolish my 1977 system. That's what I call real progress!



OK, I'm really dating myself 1971 when I went off to college, I was interested in becoming a computer programmer and remember being told "garbage in, garbage out".  With that in mind, relative to audio systems, I thought it best to put more into my source equipment with the very limited dollars I had to work with.

 Probably about in 1961 I got a Kenner plug and play type of record player. I was fascinated by the steel needle and horn type design. Plus, you could put little army men on it and they would fall off when you started it up! My next set up wasn't much better. This is when I learned that if want something bad enough, you have to work for it. That lesson payed off very well.


"This is when I learned that if want something bad enough, you have to work for it. That lesson payed off very well." I wish the more current generations would learn this lesson. No offense to others, just saying nothing should be free. Work hard and reap the rewards.


Your system is damnably close to a system I actually had at one my dad would regularly hand down stuff that was a victim of his upgrade-itis. The Wollensak reel-to-reel. The Kenwood KW-40, which I remember first  seeing at the L.A. Hi Fi Show at the Ambassador Hotel. The Dual TT...but with one of the cheaper Shure cartridges.

A crystal radio set my father bought me at about 5-6 years of age. He strung it (the wire antenna) between two trees in the front yard, and ran it into my bedroom window. It fascinated me for hours upon hours listening to what I could find, especially at night.