A different world

For decades I have struggled to get digital even close to comparable to analog. Then finally a couple years ago after lots of upgrading and experimentation I succeeded. Streaming is equally satisfying with analog, very, very comparable. The full soundstage, instruments suspended in space, tonal balance, dead silent background, and details of brass cymbals … etc. Red Book CDs through my CD player are bested by my streamer with Qobuz or Tidal with hi-Rez versions.


A new world. It takes a while to get it. No longer confined to music you “own” to play over and over. Replay is supplanted by exploration. You love an new (or old album) and hit, “add to library”. It is yours.

So, HiFi+ magazine has an article on building a European 21st Century Jazz Library. I just start with the first album in the list and listen (add to library), the 2nd album (add to library), the third… the forth, fifth… a whole new category of incredible music to sit along side Miles Davis and Hank Moberly. Just a couple days in the life of a audiophile streamer. I could have never predicted this as a possibility ten years ago.


You love music? The goal of having an infinite audiophile library is now possible. It is possible at any high end level… just requires knowledge that it can be done… and I guess give up the idea that there is something special about your CD collection, or players.


I have a 2,000 vinyl albums, play them, usually one a day. They are fun, occasionally sound ever slightly better… but not significantly, I like them for nostalgic reasons.


One of the last things I do at night is to listen to one of my many LPs. One of the first things I do the next morning is to stream.

I listen to streaming about three hours a day, and also spin a vinyl album once a day. Sometimes just for fun I’ll spin a CD (and compare to streaming). All of these formats sound outstanding to me, and typically when something sounds notably better it’s a well mastered tune… usually in streaming. But this discussion about the masters of a few albums mastering is just nitpicking. There are a few remasterings that not as good as one you got in the 70’s is just irrelevant minuscule noise.

When you have a system that can stream at the same level of fidelity as CD… or even vinyl, a few albums might be not as good sounding (I haven’t run into any)… and a lot better are absolutely better… this argument just becomes non-sense. The world of audiophile level of streaming is so incredible it just leaves physical media in the dust.


Hey, I still buy a couple vinyl albums when I go to get my hair cut. There is a vinyl record store across the street. It’s nostalgic, I just got a new record cleaner… I have an incredible analog end… no ticks, groove noise, elegant… fun. But 95% of the time it is streaming.

Those in the know just know. The technology from the stream just keeps getting better. And if DSD takes hold oh man ! @ghdprentice spot on man! The exploration is seemingly endless. The only problem I foresee is not having enough time to hear it all...... peace

Great thread.

I started streaming in my main rig a little over three years ago (almost all components and speakers new at that time). I've found that in a good system, everything makes a difference; streamer, DAC, network cables, power cables, network switch, linear power supplies, etc. I make small changes as I feel and have gotten to a point that it is so, so good! Can it get better, I think it can, but right now I love listening and never wonder what it'd be like with a vinyl rig, I can listen at my local dealer anytime. Next change is power conditioning, just picked up today.

BTW, streaming just opens one up to such a wonderful universe of music. Been selling or giving away CDs and need to get rid of them all, or most. Maybe someday I'll get to ripping the CDs that are out of print that I want to listen to in the future.

Yes, this is a different world. And one I so love sitting down in front of.