Townshend Pods - How many do I actually need per component for max effectiveness?



Experiences from actual users would be greatly appreciated. I have a phono preamp (28lbs), amp (100lbs), linestage (20lbs), and potentially a DAC (6 lbs) that I am looking to get pods for. 


Should I get 4 per component or would 3, or even 2 work just as well/better? If anyone can share their experiences with the pods and experimenting with the number they used and what it did to the sound, I’d be thankful.



@drack1 I have them on my tube pre amp.  For me they didn't make as much of an improvement as the speaker podiums.  That being said, I was using HRS nimbus footers on my pre amp prior to the pods so the move wasn't from nothing to the pods.


HRS is a company I have been thinking of using. Good to know that their products might be equivalent to Townshend.

Did you ever try removing Pods and Footers to hear the difference?


Well, I haven’t received the pods yet (hopefully next week) but I did get a Townshend platform that I put my turntable on, previous footers were Isoacoustics Orea. 

Vocals are bass are clearer, those two things stuck out immediately after playing only one album. After a couple of days listening, it’s quite easy to hear the improvements. I can sum it up by saying there’s more space for everything in the soundstage, making it easier to hear and follow the different sounds.  

Easy recommendation, I can’t wait to get the pods for my components!

The pods arrived recently and I have them under my amp, phono preamp, linestage, and DAC. Not much to say that’s different from my thoughts above with the TT platform. These things are amazing and well worth an audition if you’ve ever been curious about vibration control.

The price for the platform and pods was much lower than replacing any of my gear, and since I already enjoyed the sound of my system, this step made sense. Townshend has simply upped the engagement factor, it’s not subtle!