Townshend Pods - How many do I actually need per component for max effectiveness?



Experiences from actual users would be greatly appreciated. I have a phono preamp (28lbs), amp (100lbs), linestage (20lbs), and potentially a DAC (6 lbs) that I am looking to get pods for. 


Should I get 4 per component or would 3, or even 2 work just as well/better? If anyone can share their experiences with the pods and experimenting with the number they used and what it did to the sound, I’d be thankful.



Showing 12 responses by drack1

Do you have any experience with this or is 3 something you’ve read about? 

Thanks for the response.

Haven’t tried Nobsounds, only Isoacoustics Orea, which have made a positive impact. I have someone interested in buying my Orea’s and figured I’d try Townshends.

As for the lightweight DAC (6lbs), they make an AA size which is for 1.5lbs - 2.8lbs.

@goose, did you buy any pods? If so, did it impact your sound for the better/worse or undetermined?


@gdnrbob, adding more weight on top makes sense if the springs don’t move quite enough, thanks for that. What’s your experience with the pods been like?


@tuberist, good advice, I am waiting to hear back as I contacted them earlier today. I’m not expecting to hear anything until sometime next week.


I’m in info gathering mode right now so feedback is appreciated.

After some correspondence with John at Townshend Audio, I placed a Pod order for my components in the op. I’ll post my thoughts once I’ve listened with them for a little bit.


It ended up being 3 x AA for the DAC, 4 x A for the linestage, 4 x B for the phono preamp, and 5 x C for the amp. Excited to see what this can do to the presentation.

Well, I haven’t received the pods yet (hopefully next week) but I did get a Townshend platform that I put my turntable on, previous footers were Isoacoustics Orea. 

Vocals are bass are clearer, those two things stuck out immediately after playing only one album. After a couple of days listening, it’s quite easy to hear the improvements. I can sum it up by saying there’s more space for everything in the soundstage, making it easier to hear and follow the different sounds.  

Easy recommendation, I can’t wait to get the pods for my components!

The pods arrived recently and I have them under my amp, phono preamp, linestage, and DAC. Not much to say that’s different from my thoughts above with the TT platform. These things are amazing and well worth an audition if you’ve ever been curious about vibration control.

The price for the platform and pods was much lower than replacing any of my gear, and since I already enjoyed the sound of my system, this step made sense. Townshend has simply upped the engagement factor, it’s not subtle!

Very cool, have you tried other isolation products before or is this your first?

Nice looking pics, this should be a nice test for the Townshends. Please report back on your experience.

Update after close to 2 months:

Along with the pods/platform for my tt and components, I also got a set of speaker bars for my 155lbs sub, that’s what John recommended for that size/weight. Previous to the bars, I had my sub on a guitar amp platform for a number of years. In my setup I run XLR out of my linestage and into my sub (my sub doesn’t have speaker terminals), the low passed signal then runs into my amp via XLR. A bit unorthodox I know, but it’s the only way to incorporate a sub in my system. 

On to the speaker bars, I ordered the larger of the 2 sizes but received the smaller set by mistake. John immediately shipped the larger size when I contacted him so no harm. While I waited for the larger set (1 week), I installed the smaller ones the only way they could fit, by angling them as opposed to going straight across (width). Wow, the sound layering was unlike anything I’ve heard in my room. Width feels similar but top to bottom and front to back is better defined. I couldn’t wait for the larger set to arrive so I could “properly” install them by width.

Well, when the larger bars were installed it was across the entire width, not angled.  The soundstage pinpointed in on itself and it was like seeing into the music with x-ray specs. Too detailed, too intense sounding, it lost a good part of the space/layering the smaller bars allowed for. Some people may prefer that but I quickly figured out that’s not for me. Back to the smaller bars and the layering returned, I’ve kept it this way ever since.


I was very surprised at how much difference the bars made on which way they were installed, angled vs. width. I never would have experienced this if the smaller bars weren’t accidentally shipped first, consider me lucky! 

@willgolf, what components will your order be for?


@slaw, I’d be curious to hear your thoughts on your order, thanks.