Townshend Pods - How many do I actually need per component for max effectiveness?



Experiences from actual users would be greatly appreciated. I have a phono preamp (28lbs), amp (100lbs), linestage (20lbs), and potentially a DAC (6 lbs) that I am looking to get pods for. 


Should I get 4 per component or would 3, or even 2 work just as well/better? If anyone can share their experiences with the pods and experimenting with the number they used and what it did to the sound, I’d be thankful.



Showing 2 responses by gdnrbob

Well, they sell the pods in boxes of 4, so that is the quantity I use.

And, if you require more weight, why not add it to the top of the component.

HRS makes plates to dampen chassis/cabinets. So, I don't see why you couldn't put a barbell weight instead.



HRS is a company I have been thinking of using. Good to know that their products might be equivalent to Townshend.

Did you ever try removing Pods and Footers to hear the difference?