Question : has anybody placed a Shunyata Omega QR power cord on thier sourse components ?

Hello Audiogoners - I hope all is well and you all are staying safe. Please let me know if you have placed this power cord on your pre-amps or CD players or steamers and what where your conclusions. I am curious as to what the sonic results where on those specific course components. Thank you in advance.

I would call Shunyata and ask.  I'm sure they will know and be informative.  Then come back here and share what you learned ... :)

Thank you - docknow and I have already done that. Shunyata has great customer service and very knowledgeable representatives. I am looking for the '' boots on the ground '' responses from customers who have front line knowledge on the sonic results of adding the cable. Also, the dealer who I have been working with has also been exemplary. Thank you again ; thyname as you are correct as the price of these cables is up there ….and just want to make sure and do my due diligence.

chuck, that clip mirror’s the responses your posts sometimes receive.I don’t understand that, but keep trooping on. It' is safe! 😄👍

Yeah there was a documentary film made some years ago about it. The film makers said the market audience for watching audiophiles post on-line was too small, so they changed it to I wake up in a future surrounded by a lot of the same characters as around here, only, well check it out