Santa didnt bring me a $20k linestage

Very sad.  


Maybe he didnt understand why it needs to be sooooo expensive.



We all have our Christmas let-downs. Try and take it in stride. Don't overreact.


It’s probably tied up in a congested port… hopefully it will come in a couple weeks.

...Santa get enough "Hey, Nick! I wanna 'tech toy' " requests already from the GameGaggle.....

He's been more than happy to relinquish 'adult amusements' to us. since we seem to willing to cope with the 'does not work', 'where's the warranty'. 'it's not the Tesla I wanted',  and on, anon.....

Look, the guy's overweight, lives in a ghastly environment, overworks 'small people' to the brink of slavery....and you want a specific audio widget.

Give him a break.  Even my spouse has trouble gifting me beyond food and certain physical 'favors'.  Santa don't 'go there', either....(and a good thing, that).

Let the kids do that....No, not That, but....that esoteric object that Santa's sleigh would drag on liftoff....

Besides....You try to be Everywhere in one flippin' night....


PSA from the Stop Offing Santa , a short division of The SClaus S.P.A.