Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 I2S pin definition

After reading up on the 3 recent threads discussing how fantastic the Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 is, I am going to purchase one. I am curious if anyone knows its I2S pin definition?

Thanks for any information!




Despite all of the comments from RS2T owners confirming improved sound quality with the use of a LPS, I didn’t order one right away.   My intention was to listen to this transport in its “stock” condition with the SMPS wall wart. I wanted to become familiar and comfortable with its sound performance in this state before moving on to optional upgrades.

After 4 weeks I believe that I know the intrinsic sound and character of this transport. I can honestly state right now if I had to stick with the wall wart it would be no problem at all for me. It is that impressive. Whatever additional sound quality gains I hear by adding the LPS is in my opinion the metaphorical “icing on the cake”.






Someone will likely publish schematic for pin out on Pro-ject at some point, don't see how that is proprietary info. Custom I2S to I2S would be most direct path, no deterioration just by altering pin configuration in to 005.


What could also be optimum connection would be DDC with I2S in, usb out, since usb likely best input on 005. SPDIF will be superior to Toslink.

@sns -"What could also be optimum connection would be DDC with I2S in, usb out, since usb likely best input on 005. SPDIF will be superior to Toslink."

Thanks for the info. I'm currently using Toslink with my Cambridge transport and was going to use it with the Pro-Ject. I have an Aurender music server that is feeding the 005 via usb. Sounds terrific, and much better that the Singxer DDC I was using with the Holo Spring DAC I just replaced.

@charles1dad -I was going to wait a while before ordering an LPS. If the wall wart is as good as said I'll use the money for more CDs. One of the things I like with my current equipment is how resolving jazz piano and bass are. Bill Evans/Scotty LaFaro, Oscar Peterson/Niels Pedersen CDs never sounded better...until this weekend.
