Selling off Tubes for Solid State, A Cooler Love Story?

I've always sought out Primaluna gear as my end all be all gear. I started with an integrated, then went to separates and have been very, very happy. What has given me such good sound, is also causing the room temperature to be somewhat annoying. Being in a little shoe box room of 10x15, I've had to result to opening a window, which is becoming tiresome. 

The heat from just the KT88's is causing me to considering going solid state, which will be in preparation for the Summer in my tiny upstairs room. I'd like to possibly get a second amp for the summer months, but am not sure where to start with solid state amps. Do I pick up a BHK? Do I go all in on a used Ypsilon or Dartzeel? What did you look for in a solid state amp and where should I look? I BHK I could test drive at home, but a used Ypsilon I wouldn't able able to try and would just have to pull the trigger. Any advice or guidance is appreciated. 


Cool.  But 501 and not 301. I wonder how many changes there were w.r.t. the 500s.

No the 301 post is me being fat fingered and well wrong.

It is the e.One REF501S.

I am listening to it now. The 500S is coming to an end soon. I know Absolute Sound has a REF501S in now for review.

This is the unit I bought.


Same problem. I went with Spectral to keep my listening room cool. Sold all my BAT tube gear. Now I don’t have to open the windows in the winter or crank the air in the summer. Goodwin’s High End is a good start for finding used gear. They sell on Audiogon.

I went through something similar: Had a tube integrated amp with 8 KT88 power tubes. Sounded great but the room would get toasty. I switched to a SS integrated out of curiosity and to address the heat issue. Enjoyed it for about 3 months but ended up having a Joni Mitchell - Big Yellow Taxi moment: "you don't know what you've got till it's gone".

I replaced the SS integrated with a KT120 power tube integrated amp (same WPC as the previous KT88 amp) but with fewer tubes (4 only) and less heat. If you love the tube sound and the glow at night I strongly suggest sticking to it. Some things are worth the hassle and inconvenience. Octave (70 WPC) and Qualiton (100 WPC) both use 4 KT120 or KT150 tubes which generate less heat and both sound awesome.    

You are considering Ypsilon or Dartzeel, so we've established that funds are not strained. Why not gain real estate and solve heat problem with active speakers like ATC, Focal, PSI or others.