Good or Best Surge Protector

Hi, I am moving to an area in rural Colorado where lightning strikes are prevalent and the power company not the most reliable.  I have a pretty nice system that I want to protect from lightning strikes or power surges from the power company.  My system is: Rockport Avior II speakers, Audio Research REF 160S amp, Audio Research REF 10 Preamp and Phono Stage, Aurender W20 SE, Ayre DAC, Galibier turntable with Kuzma 11 point arm and Van Den Hul cartridge and 2 REL G1 subs.  I don't know a lot about power so was wondering if anyone knew of a good power surge protector --for example, are the furman protectors any good or are they junk?  Thank you in advance for your help and advice. 

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1.  The BUSS-Stop from pi audio group.

1.  The BUSS-Stop from pi audio group.

2.  SurgeX SEQ from ZenWave.





I recently had a Seimens FS140 whole house surge suppressor installed by my breaker box(as well as a 2nd grounding rod by my meter box).


I wanted to get surge suppression MOV’s etc away from my equipment. Now I have a PI Audio Uberbuss/Digi Buss power conditioner which has no surge suppression and does not limit current.

Worth noting the let-through voltage of RG's whole house surge suppressor is comparable to that of most others, around ~ 400 volts, while Zerosurge, Furman and others have significantly lower for their strips and conditioners.

The point is that having multiple layers of surge protection is essential.

Zerosurge, Brickwall , both basically the same, do NOT use MOV’s and they do not send the spikes to ground, which is also connected to all your other sensitive  equipment.  Cost more to produce than MOV based devices, but proven to work and not weaken with time..