Dust in the window

Crazy spouse story.

I came home the other day and found dust scattered all over my music room.  Dust all over the place and in the weirdest locations -- almost as if someone had entered my private sanctuary and taken it upon themselves to alter my perfect habitat.

So on inquiring with my spouse, I discovered she had noticed a lot of build up of dust and decided to blow it all out using ... here it comes ... the outside leaf blower.

Yes, I kid you not.  She brought in a huge leaf blower and blew dust all over the place to "fix things".

I wonder if others have had experiences like this or other funny (and true) stories.


Think that's bad? Lots of folks in our neighborhood run two-stroke motorcycle engines at full throttle for hours. Amazingly, they strap them to their backs and blow leaves around. It's bizarre and really very f-ing annoying. 

Used to be president of the PNW Porsche club, with a 79 911SC that was always absolutely pristine and gleaming. One day I come home, car is covered in sawdust. Absolutely caked. Wood shop is right behind the garage. Wife decided to clean the wood shop. With - you guessed it - the leaf blower.

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Hats off to you for posting that. I'd never tell that story, even to my best friend.