When choosing new Speakers, what matters most to you?

When auditioning new speakers have you ever listened to a pair you thought you really liked only to realize you didn’t like them at all after seeing their measurements/specifications? And I’m not talking about speakers that would be too difficult for your electronics to drive but rather, you just didn’t like their waterfall plot, or their frequency response or some other measurement even though subjectively, you loved the way they sounded? Conversely have you ever listened to a pair of speakers you did not care for only to change your mind after seeing their specs?

Assuming speakers can be easily driven by your home electronics, in other words, no compatibility issues related to sensitivity or impedance, what is the single most important thing you look for when finding speakers you’ll enjoy listening to? How do you go about confirming the speakers you buy will be enjoyable to listen to in your home system?


I will not look at the specs until I have heard the speakers in question.  Many of the specs are stretched a bit so unless John Atkinson has tested them to confirm or deny, the specs don’t mean all that much to me.  I am another believer in a higher sensitivity speaker.  My current are 94db.  Why make the amp have to work so hard?  

I was enchanted by a set of Acoustat 2 + 2 before I knew anything about high end audio. Immediately found out they took massive power I did not have. I spent over thirty years trying to recreate that sound and never really did. But I found I was pursuing a sound that enhanced electronic and small venue music at the expense of all others.


I started regularly attending the symphony and accidentally heard some Sonus Faber speakers… slowly completely pivoted to all tube with Sonus Faber… they sound natural, all music sounds better.


So for me, the sound (which what I was looking for changed over time)… but to fully get the sound all other components must be optimized.

speaker criteria

1. If your married then I'd say the Wife Acceptance Factor is your most important criteria.  

2. the more sensitive the speaker is the less powerful amp you need.  Class D amplifiers generate more power with less heat.  

3.  do you have room enough to keep the speakers set  back from the wall?  Some speakers require that they be set back from the rear wall.    If you have to place the speakers up against the rear wall, I'd recommend you look at the Harbeth brand or the KLH model5.

4. take a look at this video for a general overview.


+1 @imhififan 

Correctly matching speaker size to room size is the only thing that will get you anywhere close to a live venue sound. I personally could care less about measurements, only my ears matter.