Bully pulpits

It’s pathetic that so many alleged audiophiles use a hobbyist site like Audiogon as a bully pulpit to express political or conspiracy opinions. Thank you for spoiling so much of what an enjoyable hobby forum used to be. 


 Controls is an end-all word. HAARP electromagnetic waves stimulate geophysical changes that can modify the weather as in earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and such. It HAS been shown. Also I hate to burst that bubble you live in, but more and more are waking up to the complete hoax that is NASA. Wise-up wise guy. 😄

Hey folks, we have some James Bond level stuff going on, or is it Austin Powers level stuff? This is so confusing.

All the best,

In a sad way, it is may be more entertaining than "how do you know when a DAC sounds good?".

It never ends and just keeps repeating itself, over and over and over,

All the best,

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